S. No. Year/Sec Name of the Faculty Designation Roll No.s Contact Number
1 II /A Dr. B. Indira  Priyadarshini Asst. Prof 1608-22-735-001 to 023       9441618939
2 II /A Dr. M. Naresh Asst. Prof 1608-22-735-024 to 046      9949224090
3 II /A Dr. K. Vijetha Asst. Prof 1608-22-735-047 to 060, 301 to 310 9676710924
4 II /B Mr. K. Manohar Asst. Prof 1608-22-735-061 to 084  9010858595
5 II /B Dr. K. Koteswara Rao Asst. Prof 1608-22-735-085 to 108       9000474710
6 II /B Mr. A Abhishek Reddy Asst. Prof 1608-22-735-109 to 119, 311 to 322, 1608-21-735-067 8121444996
7 III /A Mr. V. Karunakar Reddy  Asst. Prof 1608-21-735-001 to 024       9885167604
8 III/A Mr. P. Ravi Kumar Reddy Asst. Prof 1608-21-735-025 to 047       7416147807
9 III /A Mr. K. Shravan Kumar Asst. Prof 1608-21-735-048 to 065,  301 to 306 8125168165
10 III /B Mrs. A. Narmada Asst. Prof 1608-21-735-066 to 088     8179073924
11 III /B Dr. Pallavi Khare Assoc. Prof 1608-21-735-089 to 111       8500522227
12 III /B Dr. I. Sharath Chandra Assoc. Prof 1608-21-735-112 to 127, 307 to 313 9885391926
13 IV/A Dr.  N. Srinivasa Rao/ Prof 1608-20-735-001 to 020      9618236466
Dr. P. Chandra Sheker 9966373428
14 IV/A Mrs. A. S. Keerthi Nayani Asst. Prof 1608-20-735- 021 to 040       9573248430
15 IV /A Dr. N. Shribala Assoc. Prof 1608-20-735-041 to 050, 301 to 311 9553618541
16 IV /B Dr.K.Ashok Kumar Asst. Prof 1608-20-735-051 to 071        9966336116
17 IV/B Mrs. J. Shailaja Asst. Prof 1608-20-735- 072 to 092        9866549607
18 IV /B Mr. K. Praveen Asst. Prof 1608-20-735-093 to 99, 313 to 324 9533776026

Student Counseling  & Mentoring Coordinators

  • Mr. V. Karunakar Reddy
  •  Dr. B. Indira Priyadarshini