Faculty Development programs Organized by the Department

AY: 2023-2024

AY: 2022-2023

  Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the Department during  AY 2022-23
S. No Dept Name of the workshop/ seminar Number of
Date From –
Resource Person Name Resource Person Details
1 ECE Recent advances in 5G and beyond 33 3.8.2023 to 5.8.2023

Dr. Abhinav Kumar Dr.Sudhan Majhi

Dr. Sharda Tripati

Dr. Satyam Agarwal


Mr.Srinath Vasam

Dr.B.Brahma Reddy

IIT Hyderabad

IISC Bangalore

IIT Delhi IIT Roopar,

Punjab NIT

Tiruchirappali RTTC

BSNL IEI Chairman

2 ECE Prehelika- a quiz competition by IEEE MECS SB & VYK 80 teams 16.6.2022
3 ECE A two day workshop on PCB cum MIC Lab 20 faculty 12.9.2022 to
Mr S P Chakraborthy
& Rajendar Singh
4 ECE Value added course on AIML 88 19.10.2022 to
Dr.S.Laxmi Narayana
ECE Awareness Program on Project Wok 120 11.10.2022 Mr. OM Srivasthava M/s Harisym,Hyderabad 
6 ECE Design Thinking, Critical Thinking & Innovation
Design Using Embedded IoT
30 Faculty 03-08-0202 Mr. Kushal Nesarkar Engineer at Ed Gate systems,


  Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the Department during  AY 2021-22
S . No Year Dept. Name of the workshop/ seminar Number of Participants Date From – To Resource Person Name Resource Person Details
1 2021-22 ECE One week value added course on ” ARDUINO Board-Task based training 85 07.06.2022 & 13.06.2022 Mr. KLN Om Srivathsa  
2 2021-22 ECE Engineers Day Celebrations (Crossword puzzle & Technical Quiz) 21 & 14 14.09.2021 Engineers Day event Competition
3 2021-22 ECE IIC Field trip to Elegant Embedded solutions 41 30.11.2021 Mr.K.Jagadeeshwar reddy CEO AND MANAGING Director Elegant Embedded solutions pvt .,Ltd.
4 2021-22 ECE Ground Station Configuration for Remote Sensing Satellite Data Reception 103 21.8.21 Mrs. Radha
Engineer – ‘SG’, Head, Automation Systems Division; NRSC / ISRO
5 2021-22 ECE IEEE MTT-S Didtinguished Microwave Instructor (DMI) the 1st workshop (Region 10) 23 26.11.2021 Prof.Maurizio Bozzi
 Prof.Quan Xue
 Prof.Rodica Ramer
Fellow IEEE
6 2021-22 ECE Portable Radar System for Life Activity Sensing , Anomaly Detection, and Human Tracking” 108 students , 20 faculty 27.4.2022 DR. CHANGZHI LI,  PROFESSOR, TEXA TECH UNIERSITY,USA
7 2021-22 ECE Wireless Communications and Applications 71 28.8.2021 Mr. Sanjeev nimishakavi Director ,  Qualcomm, India
8 2021-22 ECE Women Empowerment – Attitude & Altitude 55 08.03.2022    


S. No.

Academic Year Name of the conference/ workshop/ seminar/ Invited Talks/Guest Lectures from To


1 2020-21 A five day Online Workshop on “Digital Image processing Using MAT Lab” The Department of ECE  in collaboration with “Data Teach Labs” by Mr.Satya Kumar Palli, CEO- Data Teach Labs (190 participants) 27.07.2020 31.07.2020 Matrusri Engineering College


S. No. Name of the FDPs Date No. of Days At
1 “Pedagogical Skills For Faculty In Outcome Based Engineering Education” in Association with IEEE.

23.08.2018 to


2 Seminar on “ Gender Sensitization” 31.08.2018 1 MEC
3 IEEE-WIE event technical talk on “Renewable energy sources” 08.10.2018 1 MEC


S. No. Name of the FDPs Date No. of Dates At
1 FDP on Effective Teaching Methodologies and Technical Paper Writing Education Society, IEEE Hyd. Sec. 15.07.2017 1 MEC
2 Beyond Syllabi conducted by career path solutions Pvt. Ltd. 08.01.2018 to 10.01.2018 3 MEC


S. No. Name of the FDPs Date No. of days At
1 Internet of Things (IoT) Jointly organized by IEEE EDU Soc in Assoc with IEEE Hyd Sec. 30.07.2016 1 MEC
2 Women in Engineering & Career Guidance. Jointly organized by IEEE EDU Soc in Assoc with IEEE Hyd Sec.& WIEAG. 06.08.2016 1 MEC


S. No. Name of the FDPs Date No. of days At
1 Recent trends in Communication System Design 13.07.2015 1 MECS