AY: 2023-2024

Academic Year

S. No

Name of the Professional body

Name of the Event

Dates of the  Event

Resource Person Details



IEEE Matrusri Engineering College WIE Affinity Group

Ground Station Configuration for Remote Sensing Satellite Data Reception


Mrs. Radha
Nayani , Engineer – ‘SG’, Head, Automation Systems Division; NRSC / ISRO


IEEE Matrusri Engineering College ,  Student Branch  IEEE-SB

Wireless Communications and Applications


Mr. Sanjeev nimishakavi , Director , Qualcomm, India


IEEE Matrusri Engineering College –MTTS Student chapter

IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Instructor (DMI) the 1st workshop (Region 10) (DML –Talk)


Prof.Maurizio Bozzi
Prof.Quan Xue
Prof.Rodica Ramer Fellow IEEE


IEEE Matrusri Engineering College –MTTS Student chapter

IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Microwave Instructor (DMI) –““Portable Radar System for Life Activity Sensing , Anomaly Detection, and Human Tracking” (DML –Talk)




Academic Year S. no Name of the Professional Activity Name of the Event Date(s) of the Event Resource Person
2019-20 1 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College , MTT-S Student Chapter Technical talks on Recent advances on Mobile& Cellular Communications &EMI/EMC implications on Antenna Design on account of IEEE MTT-S Student Chapter (SB17791)   inauguration. 27.7.2019

1. Dr. Shiban K Koul, Emeritus Professor of IIT New Delhi.

2. Dr.Lakshmi Narayana Merugu, Past Chair-IEEE Hyderabad Section.

3. Dr.Sandeep M Satav, Chair, MTT/AP/EMC-S chapter 2019-20

2 Instrumentation Society of India (ISOI) Hyderabad Chapter Half day tutorial on “Recent advances in instrumentation Engineering” on Inauguration of Instrumentation Society of India (ISOI) Hyderabad Chapter at Matrusri Engineering College. 23.08.2019

1. Dr. M. Malini, Professor of Biomedical Engineering  Department  of Osmania University, Hyderabad

2. Sri S.Surya  Narayana, Retd AGM-Midhani

3 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College WIE Affinity Group A Technical talk on “Role of Engineering in Biology Research” IEEE – WIE Affinity Group on Teachers day. 05.09.2019 DrMaddiVanaja, Principal Scientist, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad
4 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College WIE Affinity Group A Guest lecture on “IEEE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE” under IEEE-WIE wing for students of EEE and ECE 1.11.2019 Akshay Singh, Assistant Manager for sales at KEUS Automation Private Limited and alumni of MECS.
5 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College WIE Affinity Group Guest lecture on “Women Entrepreneurship”” under IEEE-WIE wing on Women’s dayfor students of all Departments. 07.03.2020 Ms. ArunaSekhar, Environmentalist, Sun Green organics, Hyderabad BE.
2018-19 1 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College WIE Affinity Group An invited talk on “Lasers and its applications” by    IEEE student branch of MECS under WIE-AG wing as a part of Women’s day Celebrations. 08.03.2019 Mrs. V.D.S Padmaja, Technical Manager, ELOIRA(RCI)
2 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College A technical talk on “IoT Edge Analytics” 08.10.2018 P.V.S. MaruthiRao, Chair IEEE, Hyderabad Sec.
3 IEEE Matrusri Engineering College WIE Affinity Group An invited talk on “Renewable Energy Sources” 08.10.2018 Dr. G. SriLakshmi, Chair IEEE, WIE-AG


Academic Year S. no Name of the Event Date(s) of the Event Resource Person
2019-20 1 Technical talks on Recent advances on Mobile& Cellular Communications &EMI/EMC implications on Antenna Design on account of IEEE MTT-S Student Chapter (SB17791)   inauguration. 27.7.2019

1. Dr.Shiban K Koul, Emeritus Professor of IIT New Delhi.

2. Dr.Lakshmi NarayanaMerugu, Past Chair-IEEE Hyderabad Section.

3.Dr. Sandeep M Satav, Chair, MTT/AP/EMC-S chapter 2019-20

2 Half day tutorial on “Recent advances in instrumentation Engineering” on Inauguration of Instrumentation Society of India (ISOI) Hyderabad Chapter at Matrusri Engineering College. 23.08.2019

1. Dr. M. Malini, Professor of Biomedical Engineering  Department  of Osmania University, Hyderabad

2. Sri S.Surya  Narayana, Retd AGM-Midhani

3 A Technical talk on “Role of Engineering in Biology Research” under IEEE – WIE Affinity Groupon the occasion of Teachers day. 05.09.2019 DrMaddiVanaja, Principal Scientist, ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad
4 Two Technical Talks on “Satellite Communication & Applications” jointly organized    by the Departments of EEE, ECE and CSE as a part of Engineers Day celebrations. 16.09.2019

1. Smt. G Umadevi, Deputy Director, SDR & ISA, NRSC, Balanagar

2. Dr. N Aparna, Group Head, Data & Products, NRSC, Balanagar

5 A Guest lecture on “IEEE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE” under IEEE-WIE wing for students of EEE and ECE. 1.11.2019 Akshay Singh, Assistant Manager for sales at KEUS Automation Private Limited and alumni of MECS.
6 Guest lecture on “Women Entrepreneurship” on Women’s day for students of all Departments. 07.03.2020 Ms. ArunaSekhar, Environmentalist, Sun Green organics, Hyderabad BE.
2018-19 1 A technical talk on “Innovations & Technology management on account of Engineers Day. 15.09.2018 Dr.P.V. Raj Gopal,RtdAddl Gen Manager, Power Electronics System. BHEL Hyd.
2 An invited talk on “Renewable Energy Sources” 08.10.2018 Dr. G. SriLakshmi, Chair IEEE, WIE-AG
3 A technical talk on “IoT Edge Analytics” 08.10.2018 P.V.S. MaruthiRao, Chair IEEE, Hyderabad Sec.
4 A half day tutorial cum Expert lecture on “EMTL & Antennas with Applications” for the benefit of II & III-year ECE students 07.03.2019 Dr. N. V. S. N. Sarma, Director, IIIT, Tiruchi
5 An invited talk on “Lasers and its applications” by    IEEE student branch of MECS under WIE-AG wing as a part of Women’s day Celebrations. 08.03.2019 Mrs. V.D.S Padmaja, Technical Manager, ELOIRA(RCI)