Sl. No. | Patent Application No. |
Status of Patent (Published / Granted) | Inventor/s Name | Title of the Patent | Applicant/s Name | Patent Filed Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Patent Published Date / Granted Date (DD/MM/YYYY) |
Patent Publication Number / Patent Granted Number | Assignee/s Name (Institute Affiliation/s at time of Appication) |
1 | 202041033007 | Published | P Anil Kumar | Waearable child monitoring device with inbuilt heart rate measured to protect falling into abandoned deep bore well | Palarapu Anil Kumar | 7/31/2020 | 8/21/2020 | 202041033007 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
2 | 202041053754 | Published | M Saritha | Monitoring of Precision Viticulture System using IoT | M Saritha | 12/10/2020 | 12/18/2020 | 51/2020 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
3 | 202041010196 | Published | Dr. G. Ravindranath | Intelligent Hybrid Electric Conventional Vehicles | Dr. G. Ravindranath | 3/9/2020 | 3/13/2020 | 202041010196 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
4 | 202041010196 | Published | Dr. P Vasudeva Naidu | Intelligent Hybrid Electric Conventional Vehicles | Dr. P Vasudeva Naidu | 3/9/2020 | 3/13/2020 | 202041010196 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
5 | 202041002892 A | Published | Dr. P Vasudeva Naidu | Control The Speed, Efficiency, Torque, And Power Of The Electric Motor. |
Dr. P Vasudeva Naidu | 1/22/2020 | 1/31/2020 | 202041002892 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
6 | 202041014971 A | Published | Dr. M.V.Kishore | DEVELOPMENT OF ROBOT FOR PIPELINE INSPECTION | Dr. M.V.Kishore | 4/4/2020 | 22/05/2020 | 202041014971 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
7 | 202041026518 A | Published | Dr. D. Hanumantha rao | SUPPORTING DEVICE FOR 3D PRINTING | Dr. D. Hanumantha rao | 23/06/2020 | 10/7/2020 | 202041026518 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
8 | 20204101096 A | Published | Dr. D. Hanumantha rao | IHEC – Vehicle INTELLIGENT HYBRID ELECTRIC CONVENTIONAL VEHICLE | Dr. D. Hanumantha rao | 9/3/2020 | 13/03/2020 | 20204101096 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
9 | 202141001001 A | Published | Dr. M.V.Kishore | AUTOMATIC VEHICULAR WHEEL REPLACEMENT DEVICE | Dr. M.V.Kishore | 8/1/2021 | 26/02/2021 | 202141001001 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
10 | 2021100930 | Published | Mr. T. Somasekhar | The Controlling irrigation and pesticides in agriculture using method of Artificial Intelligence | Mr. T. Somasekhar | 19/02/2021 | 14/04/2021 | 2021100930 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
11 | 202041026518 A | Published | Dr. M.V.Kishore | SUPPORTING DEVICE FOR 3D PRINTING | Dr. M.V.Kishore | 23/06/2020 | 10/7/2020 | 202041026518 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
12 | 202141001001 A | Published | Dr. D. Hanumantha rao | AUTOMATIC VEHICULAR WHEEL REPLACEMENT DEVICE | Dr. D. Hanumantha rao | 8/1/2021 | 26/02/2021 | 202141001001 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
13 | 2021100930 | Published | Mr.S. Sampath Kumar | The Controlling irrigation and pesticides in agriculture using method of Artificial Intelligence | Mr.S. Sampath Kumar | 19/02/2021 | 14/04/2021 | 2021100930 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
14 | B60K006480000 | Published | Dr.M.Sushanth Babu | Intelligent Hybrid Electric Conventional Vehicles |
Dr.M.Sushanth Babu | 3/9/2020 | 13/03/2020 | 202041010196 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
15 | E-1/12806/2020-CHE | Published | Dr. Pallavi Khare | DEVELOPMENT OF SMART WALKING STICK FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEOPLE | Dr. Pallavi Khare | 3/23/2020 | 22/05/2020 | 202041012028 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
16 | E-1/4695/2017-CHE | Published | Dr. Pallavi Khare | SARITA- the Coupling and Design Quality analyzer |
Dr. Pallavi Khare | 2/9/2018 | 4/7/2018 | 201741004653 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
17 | E-2/511/2018-MUM | Published | Dr. G.Shyama Chandra Prasad | RWDO-Machine :Rain water drain out machine from pit or basement | Dr. G.Shyama Chandra Prasad | 9-03-2018 | 13-09-2019 | 201821008735 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
18 | E-2/510/2018-MUM | Published | Dr. G.Shyama Chandra Prasad | SC-System –Smart calling system | Dr. G.Shyama Chandra Prasad | 9-03-2018 | 13-09-2019 | 201821008732 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
19 | E-101/4331/2020-MUM | Published | Dr. G.Shyama Chandra Prasad | Predictive Intelligent Aircraft Accidents Predictive Using Machine Learning And Deep Learning |
Dr. G.Shyama Chandra Prasad | 10-01-2020 | 1/17/2020 | 202041001188 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
20 | 2020101666 | Granted | Dr K Sunil Manohar Reddy |
Centralized Artificial Intelligence-Based Toxicology Training Model For Environmental Public Health Assessment | Dr K Sunil Manohar Reddy |
8/5/2020 | 8/26/2020 | 2020101666 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
21 | 202041008575 | Published | Dr.Krishna Keerthi Chennam |
Smart City intiatives on secure public on cloud using open hardware and software standards | Dr.Krishna Keerthi Chennam |
2/28/2020 | 10/2/2020 | 202041008575 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
22 | 2020103302 | Granted | Mrs.J.Samatha | An Automatic door handle with sanitizer using Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence Technologies for personal human care |
J.Samatha | 7/11/2020 | 1/6/2020 | 2020103302 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
26 | 201941047518 A | Published | Dr. Raghavendar Raju L |
Smart Manufacturing using Industrial IoT in 5G Environment applicants | Dr. Raghavendar Raju L |
21/11/2019 | 6/12/2019 | 201941047518 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
27 | E-12164/2017/CHE | Granted | Mr.K.Koteswara Rao | Investigation Of2DEBG Ground Plane Effect In Array Antenna Design |
Mr.K.Koteswara Rao | 05.09.2016 | 10/2/2017 | 201641030225 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
28 | E-12/8057/2016-CHE | Granted | Dr.Pallavi Khare | Pavanish | Dr.Pallavi Khare | 19/05/2016 | 17/06/2016 | 201641017218 | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |
29 | 202141043160 A | Published | Dr. Raghavendar Raju L Mr. M Praveen Kumar Mrs. K Shalini Mrs. M Swapna Mr. A Pramod Kumar |
23/09/2021 | 1/10/2021 | 202141043160 A | Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad |