- The main objective of the Seasonal school is to provide a platform to create awareness on recent developments in Signal Processing and its applications to the latest technological developments using machine learning techniques.
- To allow the participants a wide scope of opportunities in research and career , a well-curated course covering the recent advances and latest techniques, novel and innovative applications are also included in the lectures’ agenda.
- Foster membership development among young researchers with interests in signal processing and its applications.
Target audience:
- SPS members, Academic faculty, Persons from Industry, Research scholars, practitioners, PG students who have a strong focus on Signal processing.
About the program:
- This Seasonal school provides a platform for the participants to create awareness on recent developments in Signal Processing and its applications to the latest technological developments. The school offers lectures, hands-on sessions, interactive sessions and industry visit that provide knowledge and give participants the chance to exchange about their own ideas.
Structure of the Program:
The school offers lectures, simulation studies and interactive sessions that provide knowledge and give participants the chance to exchange about their own ideas.
Resource Persons: From IITs/IIITs/NITs/Organizations of High Repute.
Venue: Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad,Telangana State, India.
Topics that will be dealt during the Seasonal school:
- Mathematical Foundations of ML
- Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in ML
- EEG Signal Processing
- AI/ML for Biomedical Signal Processing
- Affective Computing using Speech
- Speech Emotion Recognition using ML
- Basics of Tensorflow/Keras/Scikit Learn
- Hands on Session using Matlab/Python
Registration fee:
- IEEE Student Members: Rs.500/-
- Non-IEEE Student Members: Rs.600/-
- Research Scholars (Full-Time) Rs.700/-
- Faculty Members (IEEE Member) Rs.750/-
- Faculty Members (Non-IEEE) Rs.1000/-
- Industry Persons Rs.1500/-
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/48dpnLJwqAvZm7gg7
MECS IEEE SB (STB17791) Account Details:
A/C N0.: 052110100156962
Saidabad Branch
IFSC Code: UBIN0805211
- Dr.I.Sharath Chandra,
Assoc. Professor, ECE,
Matrusri Engineering College.
- Mr.K.Manohar,
Assistant Professor, ECE,
Matrusri Engineering College.
E-mail: ieeemecsssp2023@gmail.com