Research & Development Committee

The R&D Committee is formulated on 31-07-2017 and will be meeting as and when required /at least once in each semester on first Saturday in August and December in each year. The present committee members are as given below:

S. No. Name of the member Designation
1. Sri. P.V.R. Kashyap Chairman
2. Dr. D. Hanumantha Rao Principal
3. Prof. K. S. R. Murthy Professor – ECE, Coordinator
4. Dr. G. Manohar HOD-Civil
5. Dr. G. Shyama Chandra Prasad HOD-IT
6. Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao HOD-ECE
7. Dr. G. Ravindranath HOD-EEE
8. Dr. M. V. Kishore HOD – Mech
9. Dr. T. Sekharam HOD-S&H
10. Mr. T. Raja Ramana Civil Nominee
11. Dr. L. Raghavendar Raju CSE Nominee
12. Mr. M. Srinivas EEE Nominee
13. Prof. V. Nageswara Rao Mech Nominee
14. Dr. D. Purnachandar Rao S&H Nominee