FDPs/Workshops/Seminars Organized

AY: 2023-2024

S. No

Academic Year Name of the conference/ workshop/ seminar/ Invited Talks/Guest Lectures from To


1 2020-21 A five day Online Workshop on “Digital Image processing Using MAT Lab” The Department of ECE  in collaboration with “Data Teach Labs” by Mr.Satya Kumar Palli, CEO- Data Teach Labs (190 participants) 27.07.2020 31.07.2020 Matrusri Engineering College
Academic Year S. no Name of the conference/ workshop/ seminar/ Invited Talks/Guest Lectures from To Place
2019-20 1 The first workshop in the IoT series which is on eSim, is organized by the Teaching Learning Centre (ICT), funded by the PanditMadan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Govt. of India, conducted by Department of ECE  at Matrusri Engineering College Saidabad Hyderabad (RC: 1509). 21-09-2019 Matrusri Engineering College
2 A one day training programs on “Design of GUI using MATLAB” for the third year students by Mrs. K.ArchanaBhange, Senior Asst. Prof, ECE Dept, VNRVJIET 02.11.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
3 3-day workshop on “Recent Advances in Antennas & Microwave Circuits With Applications & Simulation Studies”, under IEEE Hyderabad Section, MTT/ AP/EMC Joint society chapter 18.11.2019 20.11.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
4 The Department of ECE organized a Five DaySTTP through ICT online mode on “Problem Based Learning” in association with NITTTR, Kolkata for Teachers. 02.12.2019 06.12.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
5 Matrusri Engineering College has established Robotics Lab under E-Yantra Lab with the help of e-Yantra lab Setup Initiative (eLSI), MHRD, IIT Bombay. 03.01.2020 Matrusri Engineering College
6 A 2-day workshop is conducted by Department of ECE, on “Design of VLSI Circuits using Mentor Graphics tool” by ShaikAzhar Ahmed (Sales Engineer), ASG, Tech Labs Pvt. Ltd 07.02.2020 08.02.2020 Matrusri Engineering College
7 A two-day e-Yantra workshop on “Introduction to Robotics” was conducted by e-Yantra, IIT Bombay at Matrusri Engineering College for faculty. e-Yantra is a MHRD sponsored initiative by IIT-Bombay under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) program. 28.2.2020 29.2.2020 Matrusri Engineering College
2018-19 1 A two day workshop on  “Smart PCB Design “by Mr. Karthikeya  , Application Engineer , TECHLABS 27.07.2018 28.07.2018 Matrusri Engineering College
2  A Three day  workshop on “Pedagogical Skills” For Faculty In Outcome Based Engineering Education” in Association with IEEE education society 23.08.2018 25.08.2018 Matrusri Engineering College
3  STTP on “Development of Lab Manuals & Instructions” an online training for the faculty of engineering and sciences. in association with NITTR- Kolkata. 04.02.2019 08.02.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
4 Two day “Hands on training- PCB Design”  in association with M/s Elegant Embedded Solutions Ltd, Hyderabad for the benefit of II year ECE students. 15.02.2019 16.02.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
5 A three day technical workshop in association with M/s. Edgate Technologies Ltd, Bangalore (Texas Instruments –India) as a part of MOU. 26.02.2019 28.02.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
6 One week Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Wireless Communication- Challenges & Solutions” in association with Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT, Warangal. 11.03.2019 17.03.2019 Matrusri Engineering College
2017-18 1 FDP on Effective Teaching Methodologies and Technical Paper Writing Education Society, IEEE Hyderabad. Sec. 15.07.2017 Matrusri Engineering College
2 IEEE Workshop on “Outcome based technical Education towards NBA / ABET 07.09.2017 09.09.2017 Matrusri Engineering College
3 Practical RF Antenna Design and Applications organized by MECS in association with E&ICT, NITW 18.12.2017 23.12.2017 Matrusri Engineering College
4 In-house training on MATLAB and Simulink Software Testing Tools organized by Jointly by IETE Student Forum 10.02.2018 &24.02.2018 Matrusri Engineering College
2016-17 1 Women in Engineering & Career Guidance. Jointly organized by IEEE EDU Society in association with IEEE Hyderabad Sec.& WIEAG. 06.08.2016 Matrusri Engineering College
2 “Quality Initiatives In outcome Based Technical Education (NBA Awareness Workshop) Jointly organized by IEEE EDU Society” in associationwith IEEE Hyderabad Sec.& MEC 01.09.2016 03.09.2016 Matrusri Engineering College
2015-16 1 Guest lecture on“Recent trends in Communication System Design” at MECS 13.07.2015 Matrusri Engineering College
2 Guest lecture on“A Practitioners Approach To EMC Testing with Reverberation Chambers” 17.12.2015 Matrusri Engineering College