Faculty Attended FDP’s/ Workshops/Seminars

Faculty Development Program’s For The Academic 2022-2023

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the FDP Venue Start Date End date No of days

Month and Year

1 Dr.Ch.Ramesh Babu A Tool for Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Hands-On MVSREC,Nadergul,Hyderabad 12-09-2022 17-09-2022 6 Sep-22
2 Mrs.M.Srividya A Tool for Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Hands-On MVSREC,Nadergul,Hyderabad 12-09-2022 17-09-2022 6 Sep-22
3 Dr.G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
4 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
5 Mrs.M.Srividya Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
6 Mr.V.Gopinath Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
7 Mr.K.Vikram Reddy Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
8 Mrs.STVSAV Ramya Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
9 Dr.Ch.Ramesh Babu Problem Solving using Python Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 09-02-2022 09-05-2022 3 Sep-22
10 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Engineering Mathmatics (PATEM) Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 22-08-2022 27-08-2022 7 Aug-22
11 Mrs.M.Srividya Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Engineering Mathmatics (PATEM) Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 22-08-2022 27-08-2022 7 Aug-22
12 Mrs.STVSAV Ramya Amazon Web Services Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women(Autonomous),Hyderabad 22-08-2022 27-08-2022 6 Aug-22
13 Mrs.M.Srividya Amazon Web Services Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women(Autonomous),Hyderabad 22-08-2022 27-08-2022 6 Aug-22
14 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Amazon Web Services Stanley College of Engineering and Technology for Women(Autonomous),Hyderabad 22-08-2022 27-08-2022 6 Aug-22
15 Mr.V.Gopinath English Matters for Masters Career Path Solutions Pvt.Ltd,Hyderabad 08-10-2022 08-12-2022 3 Aug-22
16 Mr.K.Vikram Reddy English Matters for Masters Career Path Solutions Pvt.Ltd,Hyderabad 08-10-2022 08-12-2022 3 Aug-22
17 Mrs.STVSAV Ramya English Matters for Masters Career Path Solutions Pvt.Ltd,Hyderabad 08-10-2022 08-12-2022 3 Aug-22
18 Mrs.M.Srividya English Matters for Masters Career Path Solutions Pvt.Ltd,Hyderabad 08-10-2022 08-12-2022 3 Aug-22
19 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi English Matters for Masters Career Path Solutions Pvt.Ltd,Hyderabad 08-10-2022 08-12-2022 3 Aug-22
20 Mrs.STVSAV Ramya Machine Learning to Deep Learning: A Journey for Remote Sensing Data Classification Concerned IIRS Nodal Centre-
Matrusri Engineering College
07-04-2022 07-08-2022 5 Jul-22
21 Mr.V.Gopinath Machine Learning to Deep Learning: A Journey for Remote Sensing Data Classification Concerned IIRS Nodal Centre-
Matrusri Engineering College
04-07-2022 04-08-2022 5 Jul-22


Faculty Development Program’s For The Academic 2021-2022

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the FDP Venue Start Date End date No of days

Month and Year

1 Mr.V.Gopinath Embedded Systems using 8051 Micro Controller NITTTR,Chennai 27-06-2022 01-07-2022 7 Jun-22
2 Mrs.M.Sri Vidya Embedded Systems using 8051 Micro Controller NITTTR,Chennai 27-06-2022 01-07-2022 7 Jun-22
3 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Data Communication and Networking NITTTR,Chennai 09-05-2022 13-05-2022 5 May-22
4 Mrs.STVSAV Ramya Data Communication and Networking NITTTR,Chennai 09-05-2022 13-05-2022 5 May-22
5 Mr.V.Gopinath Data Communication and Networking NITTTR,Chennai 09-05-2022 13-05-2022 5 May-22
6 Dr.G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati 14-03-2022 19-03-2022 6 Mar-22
7 Dr.G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Introduction to Python Programming and it’s Applications E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati 21-02-2022 26-02-2022 6 Feb-22
8 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Machine Learning in Engineering Osmania University,ACM Hyderabad,Deccan Chapter 06-01-2022 08-01-2022 3 Jan-22
9 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi NBA Accreditation NITTTR,Chennai 27/09/2021 29/09/2021 3 Sep-21
10 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Predictive modelling using Data science Techniques IIT Guwathi 06-09-2021 10-09-2021 5 Sep-21
11 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Artificial Intelligence for computer vision IIT Roorkee 26-07-2021 30-07-2021 5 Jul-21
12 Mr.K.Vikram Reddy Cryptography and Cyber Security National Institute of Technology,Agartala 26-07-2021 30-07-2021 5 Jul-21
13 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Semantic Intelligence:The way Forward with Artificial Intelligence(Part-I) National Institute of Technology,Kurukshetra 21-07-2021 25-07-2021 5 Jul-21
14 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi AICTE Examination Reforms Chitkara University 08-07-2021 10-07-2021 3 Jul-21


Faculty Development Program’s for The Academic 2020-2021

S.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the FDP Venue Start Date End date No of days

Month and Year

1 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Cultivating Excellence in Implementation of Computational Science for Scientific and Technological Innovations National Institute of
Technology, Rourkela
14/06/2021 18/06/2021 5 Jun-21
2 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Intelligent Systems For Sustainable
St.Peter’s Engineering
06-08-2021 06-12-2021 5 Jun-21
3 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Quantum Computing and Quantum Cryptography National Institute of Technology, Karnataka 07-06-2021 11/06/2021 5 Jun-21
4 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Outcome Based Pedagogical Initiatives for Effective Teaching and Learning Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 14/06/2021 19/06/2021 6 Jun-21
5 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Internet Of Things NIT Hamirpur ,Himachalpradesh 06-01-2021 06-05-2021 5 Jun-21
6 Dr G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Outcome Based Pedagogical Initiatives for Effective Teaching and Learning Matrusri Engineering College,Saidabad 17/05/2021 22/05/2021 5 May-21
7 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Artificial Intelligence Birla Institute of Technology,Ranchi (ATAL) 25/01/2021 29/01/2021 5 Jan-21
8 Mrs.R.Kiruthiga Artificial Intelligence College of Engineering and Technology,IILM Academy of Higher Learning (ATAL) 18/01/2021 22/01/2021 5 Jan-21
9 Dr G.Shyama Chandra
Data Science for Bigdata Analytics in Cloud using Advanced Tools CBIT (Autonomous) ,Hyd 14-12-2020 19-12-2020 6 Dec-20
10 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Data Science for Bigdata Analytics in Cloud using Advanced Tools CBIT (Autonomous) ,Hyd 14-12-2020 19-12-2020 6 Dec-20
11 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Artificial Intelligence Manipal Institute of Technology,Manipal 12-07-2020 12-11-2020 5 Dec-20
12 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Data Sciences Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology 12-01-2020 12-05-2020 6 Dec-20
13 Dr G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Data Science for Bigdata Analytics in Cloud using Advanced Tools CBIT (Autonomous) ,Hyd 23/11/2020 28-11-2020 6 Nov-20
14 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Data Science for Bigdata Analytics in Cloud using Advanced Tools CBIT (Autonomous) ,Hyd 23/11/2020 28/11/2020 6 Nov-20
15 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence and Enabling Technologies for Internet of Things JNTUA College Of Engineering Ananthapur 17/11/2020 28/11/2020 12 Nov-20
16 Dr G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Cloud Technology Beant College of Engineering and Technology,Gurdaspur (ATAL) 26/20/2020 30/20/2020 6 Oct-20
17 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Block Chain JNTUA College of Engineering(Autonomous) (ATAL) 08-09-2020 12-09-2020 5 Sep-20
18 Dr G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Block Chain JNTUA College of Engineering(Autonomous) (ATAL) 08-09-2020 12-09-2020 5 Sep-20
19 Mr.K.Vikram Reddy Block Chain JNTUA College of Engineering (Autonomous)(ATAL) 08-09-2020 12-09-2020 6 Sep-20
20 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Ethical Hacking and Data Security MGIT,Hyd 27/07/2020 31/07/2020 7 Jul-20
21 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology Kommuri Pratap Reddy Institute of Technology, Ghatkesar 29/06/2020 07-04-2020 7 Jun-20


Faculty Development Program’s For The Academic Year 2019-20
S.NO Name of the Faculty Name of the FDP Venue Start Date End date No. of days Month and Year
1 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Role of Machine Learning and Data Sciences in AI MGIT,Hyd 28/06/2020 02/07/2020 7 Jun/20
2 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Advance Research Methodology and Innovative Teaching Pedagogy TULSIRAMJI GAIKWAD-PATIL College of Engineering and Technology,Nagpur 08/06/2020 13/06/2020 6 Jun/20
3 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Perspectives of Online Teaching and Learning GRIET,Hyd 08/06/2020 13/06/2020 7 Jun/20
4 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi STTP on MATLAB For ALL SIR M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology,
04/06/2020 8/6/2020 7 Jun/20
5 Dr G.Shyama Chandra Prasad Introduction to AI and ML Geetanjali Engineering
25/05/2020 30/05/2020 6 May/20
6 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi PHP & MySQL JNTUH ,Jagtial 18/5/2020 23/5/2020 6 May/20
7 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Moodle Learning Management System Sinhgad Institute of Technology,IIT BOMBAY,Maharashtra 01/05/2020 05/06/2020 6 May/20
8 Dr G.Shyama Chandra
Examination Reforms AICTE 29/04/2020 02/05/2020 3 Apr/20
9 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi Latex IIT BOMBAY 17/04/2020 30/04/2020 15 Apr/20
10 Dr G.Shyama Chandra
STTP through ICT Mode on Problem Based Learning NITTTRK,Kolkata 12/02/2019 12/06/2019 5 Dec/19
11 Mrs.T.Aruna Jyothi STTP through ICT Mode on Problem Based Learning NITTTRK,Kolkata 12/02/2019 12/06/2019 5 Dec/19
12 Mr.K.Vikram Reddy STTP through ICT Mode on Problem Based Learning NITTTRK,Kolkata 12/02/2019 12/06/2019 5 Dec/19