Department News Letters & Technical Magazines

News Letters
Every semester, CSE Department will release a news letter showcasing different activities carried out in the department. Faculty and student article related to new technologies will be published in the news letter.

S. No. News Letters
1 Volume 8 Issue 1
2 Volume 7 Issue 2
3 Volume 7 Issue 1
4 Volume 6 Issue 2
5 Volume 6 Issue 1
6 Volume 5 Issue 2
7 Volume 5 Issue 1
8 Volume 4 Issue 2
9 Volume 4 Issue 1
10 Volume 3 Issue 2
11 Volume 3 Issue 1
12 Volume 2 Issue 2
13 Volume 2 Issue 1
14 Volume 1 Issue 2
15 Volume 1 Issue 1

Perceptions (Technical Magazine)

The college publishes a magazine once in a year which provides a platform for the students to express their creative pursuit which develops in them originality of thought and perception.

S.NO Vol /Issue Period Editorial Board
Faculty Student
1 4th Edition 2017-18 Dr. D. Hanumantha Rao(Principal)
Dr. T. Shekharam(S&H)
Mr.Prashanth Kuberkar
Mr.Ch.Rajani Prashanth
J.Uthkarsh Reddy(CSE 4/4)
Sai Sharvani (CSE 4/4)
Anurag Panithi(ECE 4/4)
B.Saatvik Prakash(CSE 4/4)
2 3rd Edition 2015-16 Dr.D.Hanumantha Rao(Principal)
Dr.S.R.K.Raju, HOD, S&H
Mrs.Jenifer A.Fernandez
Mr.Prashanth Kuberkar
Mr.Ch. Rajani Prashanth
Ankitha Chiluka(MECH 3/4)
Pasham Akhil Kumar Reddy(CSE 3/4) N. Laasya Priya(MECH 3/4)
A.Soumya Varma(ECE 3/4)
Kanapartyhy Sai Avinash(CSE 3/4) Dharnamoni Naveen(CSE 3/4) D. Manikantha Yuvatej(MECH 4/4)
k.Aditya(CIVIL 4/4)
3 2nd Edition 2014-15 Dr.D.Hanumantha Rao(Principal)
Mrs.Jenifer A.Fernandez
Mr.Prashanth Kuberkar
Mr.Ch.Rajani Prashanth
Mohan, Karthik, Sai, Musharaf
Geetanjali, Bhavana, Vineetha
4 1st Edition 2013-14 Dr.D.Hanumantha Rao(Principal)
Mrs.Jenifer A.Fernandez
Mr.Prashanth Kuberkar
Mr.Ch.Rajani Prashanth
D.Sai Kumar(CSE)
V.Hari Priya(CSE)
Venkata Bhardwaj