Faculty Achievements

 Department: Sciences & Humanities                                                                                        A.Y. 2018-19

Sl. No. Attribute Details
1. No. of Publications National International
  Dr. T. Shekharam 1. Low temperature DC electrical conductivity studies of Pb1-x ZnxS Semiconductor compounds Journal- Solid State Sciences-(Elsevier)
2. Influence of Pb on structure, optical and electrical properties of Zn1-xPbxS Semiconductor compounds Journal- Chemical Physics Letters-(Elsevier)
  Dr. M. Yuvaraju  –  1.     Presented a paper at XXVII Congress of APTSMS at Maris Stella College (Autonomous) on 9th December 2018.
2.     Participated in “Pedagogical Skills for Faculty In Out Come Based Engineering Education” organized by IEEE Hyderabad Section, IEEE Education Section and Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad on 23rd to 25th Aug. 2018.
3. Participated in the “one – day seminar on Gender Sensitization (OSGS-2018) organized by Dept. of Science & Humanities, Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad on 23rd to 25th Aug. 2018.
  Dr. K. Sharath Babu 1.   Computational Solution    of    Two-  Point Boundary    Value     Problem     by  applying Quadrature process with Liouville-Green Transformation. Journals of recent advance materials, manufacturing and energy systems
  2. Presented a research paper entitled numerical method to slove two-point boundry value problem   using   petro-Galerkin   method with quinitic   basis   smooth   functions   at    (XXVII Congress of APTSMS) at Maris Stella College (Autonomous) on –December 2018
  3. Presented a paper entitled a constrictive concern for applicable mathematics and apprehensions at (XXVII Congress of APTSMS) at Maris Stella College (Autonomous) on – December 2018.
  4. Elected as a Executive committee member in (XXVII Congress of APTSMS) at Maris Stella College (Autonomous) on –December 2018.
2. Awards/ Prizes Details
  Dr. M. YUVARAJU National Award Governor’s Award – National Award For Excellence In Teaching” by High Court chief justice on 10th, Nov. 2018

Department: Sciences & Humanities                                                                                A.Y. 2017-18

Sl. No. Attribute Details
1. PhD Awarded University with Specialization
  Dr. M. Yuvaraju Mathematics, Ch. CharanSingh Univeristy(Formerly Meerut University), Meerut, UP With Titled
2. No. of Publications National International
  Dr. T. Shekharam 1.     Photoluminescence studies of Cd0.8−xPbxZn0.2S semiconductor compounds. Journal of Luminescence, 197 (2018) 56-61, Jan-2018 (Elsevier)
2.      Influence of Lead on structure and Morphology of Zn1- xPbxs Semiconductor compound prepared by co- precipitation technique in NTSET-2018, Feb-2018, MECS
3.      Study of low temperature DC Conductivity on CoxZn1-xS Mixed semiconductor compounds in NTSET-2018, Feb-2018, MECS
  Mr. M. Ramesh 1.   IJCMS, Vol.6. Issue-11, Nov-2017, ISSN-2347-8527.
2.   IJETSR, Vol.4, Issue-11, Nov-2017, ISSN-2394-3386.
3.                   Optimal Solution of Linear Programming Problems with Fuzzy Variable in NTSET-2018, Feb-2018, MECS.
4.                   Presented a paper in the conference, Jan-2018, Gurunanak Engineering College
5.              Goal Programming Modal for Optimal Bank Investment Planning” 07.04.17 – ICRET-2017-MECS
  Dr. M. Yuvaraju 1.                  Optimization of Financial Resources for it industry through goal programming, Dec-2017, Institute of Engineers in India, Hyderabad.
2.                  OPTIMIZATION OF SALES ALLOCATION THROUGH GOAL PROGRAMMING, IJCMS, Vol.6. Issue-11, Nov- 2017, ISSN-2347-8527
3. IJETSR, Vol.4, Issue-11, Nov-2017, ISSN-2394-3386.
4.         Optimization of web service quality control through goal programming in NTSET-2018. Feb-2018,MECS
5.         Presented Paper in the conference at Gurunanak Engineering College, Jan-2018.
6.         Goal    Programming    Modal    for    Optimal Bank Investment Planning” 07.04.17 – ICRET-2017-MECS
7.         5th International Conference on Science Technology and Management (ICSTM -2017).
  Mrs.Y.Aparna   1.                     “A Multi Dimensional Approach to Syntheses of Azlactones” 07.04.17 – ICRET-2017-MECS
2.                     “Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial evaluation and Antifungal activity on substituted Imidazolones” – NTSET– 2018
  Dr. K. Sharath Babu 1.   Computational  scheme  by  galerkin  method  for  two point boundary value problems  by quintic b-spilines  NTSET-2018, MECS, Feb-2018
2.      Published IOP Journal Computational process to study the wave propagation In a non-linear medium by quasi- Linearization(Scopous Indexed journal)
3.     “Computational Process to solve nonliniear wave equation using Quasi liniearization.”
4.     Delivered a invited talk on “Applications of partial differential equations” at Gurunanak technical campus(Autonomous) March-2018
3. Faculty as Resource Person Event Details
  Dr.K.Sharath Babu “Applications of differential equations” at Gurunanak Engineering College

Department: Sciences & Humanities                                                                                           A.Y. 2016-17

Sl. No. Attribute Details
1. No. of Publications National International
  Dr. T. Shekharam 1. Effect of Cd on Structure and Optical Properties of ZnO Nano Powders by sol.gel. Method. Journal: Materials today, (Elsevier) Proceedings, Volume: 3, Issue 10, Part-B, 16 Pages 3621-3625.
  Mr. M. Ramesh 1.         Relevance of Mathematics to Real World Problems, One day seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, OU. Nov-2016.
2.         “Goal Programming Modal for Optimal Bank Investment Planning”, ICRET-2017, Matrusri Engineering College. April-2017
  Dr. M. Yuvaraju 1.                   “Goal Programming Modal for Optimal Bank Investment Planning”, ICRET-2017, Matrusri Engineering College. April-2017
2.                   Relevance of Mathematics to Real World Problems, One day seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, OU. Nov-2016
  Mrs. K. Sandhya 1. Molecular Docking Analysis of Uni prot KB Nitrate   Reductase   Enzyme    with  known
Natural Flavonoids. Journal : Bioinformation, Proceedings, Volume -12 Issue -12 Pages 425– 429 (2016)
2.   Bioinformation   Proceedings,                            Volume            -12 Issue -12 : Pages 425 – 429(2016)
  Mrs. Y. Aparna 1.                   Antibacterial & Antifungal Studies of Some Derivatives of Oxazolones, AP Science Congress, Vijayawada, Nov-2016.
2.                   A Multi Dimensional Approach to Synthesis of Azlactones at ICERT-2017, April-2017, Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad.
  Mr.T.Vishnu 1. Molecular Docking Analysis of Uni prot KB Nitrate Reductase Enzyme with known Natural Flavonoids. Journal : Bioinformation, Proceedings, Volume -12 Issue -12 Pages 425– 429 (2016)
  Mrs. K. Aruna Kumari 1. Molecular Docking Analysis of Uni prot KB Nitrate Reductase Enzyme with known Natural Flavonoids. Journal : Bioinformation, Proceedings, Volume -12 Issue -12 Pages 425– 429 (2016)
2. Faculty as Resource Person Event Details
  Dr.S.Thiagarajan Application of “Basic Sciences in Engineering” , Nov-2016, Nizam Institute of Engg.& Tech., Hyderabad.

Faculty Achievements

Department: Sciences & Humanities                                                                                           A.Y. 2015-16

Sl. No. Attribute Details
1. PhD Awarded University with Specialization
  Dr. T. Shekharam Study of Structural, Optical, Electrical and Dielectric properties of Cd0.8-x PbxZn0.2S Semiconductor Compounds Osmania University
2. No. of Publications National International
  Mr. M. Ramesh 1.     Optimal Solution of Linear Programming Problems with Fuzzy Variables
International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing Technology, Volume 5, Issue 1., June-2015.
2.     Capital   Budgeting   Decision    – A             Fuzzy           Goal Programming Approach.
International Journal Of Innovative Technology and Research. Volume No.3, Issue No.5., September-2015
  Dr. M. Yuvaraju 1.           Capital Budgeting Decisions in GHMC Through Goal Programming
International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing Technology – Volume 5, Issue 1, Pg.No. 25 – 29., June-2015.
2.           Optimum Allocation of Computer Resources through Goal Programming
International  Journal  of  Innovative  Technology and Research. Volume No.3, Issue No.5, Pg.No. 2459 – 2468., September-2015
3.                  Cyber Ethic’s importance in digital life: A Snapshot”. International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering, Science and Management’ 15. (Accepted), September-2015.
4.         Project Selection Decision Making – A Goal Programming Approach. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2015 (Accepted).
  Mrs. Y. Aparna 1.           “A Review on reactions and applications of oxazolones” in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 6, June 2015 ;ISSN 2250-3153
2.           “Synthesis, characterization and molecular docking studies of new Erlenmeyer Azlactones” in International organization of scientific research. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR- JAC) e-ISSN: 2278-5736.Volume 8, Issue 8 Ver. II (Aug. 2015), PP 30-36.
3. Faculty got eligibility for Guideship University Details
  Dr. S. Thiagarajan Osmania University