Professional Societies/Chapters

CSE Department has the following professional society memberships:

Sl. No. Name of the Professional Body Membership Number
1 CSI I01986
2 IEI IM000521-7
3 ISTE IM 2318

 Computer Society of India (CSI)

Matrusri Engineering College was certified as Educational Institution Member by CSI with an Institutional Membership No: I01986 in 2012.The Department of CSE has established student chapter with an intention of upgrading knowledge of students by conducting various professional activities to meet the needs of the society and rapidly changing technology.

Fig: CSI Institutional membership certificate

The Institute of Engineers (IEI)

Matrusri Engineering College was certified as Educational Institution Member by IEI with an Institutional Membership No:IM000521-7 in 2017.

Fig: IEI Institutional membership certificate

 The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)

Matrusri Engineering College was certified as Educational Institution Member by ISTE in 2014.

Fig: ISTE Institutional membership certificate

Various Events and Activities organized under Professional Bodies.