List of Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Workshops attended
Faculty Workshop Attended 2022-2023
Faculty Workshop Attended 2020-2021
Faculty Workshop Attended (2019-2020)
Faculty Workshop Attended (2018-2019)
Faculty Workshop Attended (2017-2018)
S. No. | Name of the Staff | Designation | Name of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar | Attended dates | At |
1. | Smt.B.UdayaSree | Assistant Professor | Three Day workshop on “Outcome Based Technical Education Towards Achieving NBA/ABET Process | 7/09/2017 to9/09/2017 | MECS, Hyderabad |
Three Day workshop on “Beyond Syllabi” | 8/1/2018 to 10/1/2018 | MECS, Hyderabad | |||
2. | Dr.Adaikkala Kumar P. | Associate Professor | Attended Two-Day Workshop on “Ansys Package” | 31/03/2017 to01/04/2017 | MECS, Hyderabad |
3. | Sir.Dr.G.Manohar | Professor and Head | Organized and attended a two day National Level Workshop on Total Station | 27/04/2018 to28/04/2018 | MECS, Hyderabad. |
Chaired sessions in a Two Day National Conference on “Advanced Computing Applications in Civil Engineering” | 20/04/2018 to 21/04/2018 | UCE, OU,Hyderabad | |||
4. | Smt.S.Lokeswari | Asst. Professor | Attened three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi” | 08/01/2018 to 10/01/2018 | Mecs, Hyderabad. |
5. | Smt.P.Dhanamma | Asst. Professor | Two days National conference on “Recent Trends in structural Engineering” | 06/10/2017 to 07/10/2017 | Methodist College of Engg, Hyderabad. |
Two day work shop on “Civil Engineering Technologies-Industrial Practices. ” | 28/03/2018 to 29/03/2018 | Methodist College of Engg, Hyderabad. | |||
6. | Smt. K.Smitha | Asst. Professor | Two days National conference on “Recent Trends in structural Engineering | 06/10/2017 to 07/10/2017 | Methodist College of Engg, Hyderabad.. |
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” | 08/01/2018 to10/01/ 2018 | Mecs, Hyderabad. | |||
7. | Sri T. Raja Ramanna | Asst. Professor | Three day work shop on “Beyond Sylabii” | 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 | MECS, Hyderabad |
Attended a three day National level workshop on Outcome Based Technical Education towards achieving NBA/ ABET Process” | 07/09/2017 to 09/09 2017 | IEEE, Hyderabad. | |||
8. | Sri.P.Prashanth | Asst. Professor | Attended a three day National level workshop on “Outcome Based Technical Education towards achieving NBA/ ABET Process” | 07/09/2017 to 09/09 2017 | IEEE, Hyderabad. |
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” | 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 | MECS, Hyderabad. | |||
9. | Sri.P.Bharath Kumar | Asst. Professor | Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” | 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 | MECS, Hyderabad. |
Attended National Symposium on “GREEPSET-2018” | 29/01/ 30/01/ 2018. | OU, Hyderabad. | |||
10. | Sri. U. Tirumalesh | Asst. Professor | Two day National conference on”Recent innovation in Civil Engg(RICE 2017) | 15/12/2017to 16/12/2017 | Gokaraju Ranga Raju Institute of Engg, Hyderabad. |
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” | 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 | MECS, Hyderabad. | |||
11. | Smt..M. Srividya | Asst. Professor | Attended faculty development programme on teaching and learning techniques in Geotechnical Engineering | 06/12/2017 to 10/12/ 2017 | NIT Warangal |
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” | 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 | MECS, Hyderabad. | |||
12 | Sri.P.V.S.Koteswara Rao | Asso., Professor | Four day International meet of 62nd Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics | 15/12/2017 to 18/12/2017 | OU Hyderabad. |
13 | Smt G. Satyavathi | Asst. Professor | Presented a paper “Performance of cluster bean genotypes under different environmental conditions” | 4/12/2017 to 6/12/2017 | London, U.K. |
List of Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Workshops attended for the Academic Year 2016-2017
S.No | Name of the Staff | Designation | Name of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar | Attended dates | At |
1. | Smt .P.Dhanamma | Asst .Prof | Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using AUTOCAD”. | 21/7/2016 to 23/7/2016 | At MECS, Hyderabad |
Two-Day National Workshop on “Smart Building Materials and Technologies(SBMT-2017)” | 27/01/2017 to 28/01/2017 | M.J.College, Hyderabad | |||
2. | Smt .D.Radha | Asst .Prof | Three Day Program on “Engineering Graphics using AUTO CAD” | 21/07/2016 to 23/07/2016 | At MECS, Hyderabad |
3. | Smt.S.Lokeswari | Asst . Prof | Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using AUTOCAD”. | 21/7/2016 to 23/7/2016 | At MECS, Hyderabad |
4. | Smt.B.UdayaSree | Asst . Prof | Two Day training on Introduction on “ANSYS MECHANICAL” | 24/3/2017 to 25/03/2017 | At MECS, Hyderabad |
Two Day work shop on “Structural Health Monitoring and Condition Assessement of Exsisting Structures” | 20/01/2017 to 21/01/2017 | At UCE, O.U, Hyderabad | |||
5. | Dr.Adaikkala Kumar P. | Asst .Prof | Three day workshop on “Quality Initiatives in Outcome based Technical Education” | 1/9/2016 to 3/9/2016 | At MECS, Hyderabad |
6. | Sri.P.V.S.Koteswara Rao | Assoc .Prof. | Two Day Workshop on “ Design, construction, evaluation and Maintainance of cement concrete pavements “ | 21/10/16 to 22/10/2016 | UCE, O.U, Hyderabad |
Three day workshop on “Condition Assessement and rehabilitation of Structures” | 17/03/17 to 19/03/2016 | NIT Warangal. | |||
7. | Smt.K.Smitha | Asst. Prof | Two Day Workshop on “Design,construction, evaluation and Maintainance of cement concrete pavements” | 21/10/16 to 22/10/2016 | UCE, O.U, Hyderabad |
8. |
Dr.G.Manohar |
Professor & HOD | Attended Two-Day Workshop on “Ansys Package” | 31/03/2017 &1/04/2017 | MECS, Hyderabad |
Three day workshop on “Quality Initiatives in Out come based Technical Education” | 1/9/2016 to 3/9/2016 | At MECS, Hyderabad | |||
9. |
Sri.S.V.Chary |
Assoc .Prof. |
Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using Auto Cad” | 21/7/2016 to 23/07/2016 | MECS, Hyderabad. |
Two day work shop on “Design, Construction, Evaluation and Maintenance of CC Pavements” | 21/10/2016 to 22/10/2016 | UCE, O.U, Hyderabad |
10 | Smt.G.Satyavathi | Asst.Prof. | Attended Three Day “National Conference of Plant Physiology” |
8/12/2016 to 10/12/2016 | The University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, India. |
11 | Smt.M.Pratibha | Asst.Prof. | Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using Auto Cad” | 21/7/2016 to 23/07/2016 | MECS, Hyderabad. |
Three day National Conference on Sustainable water and Environmental Management. | 21/12/2017 to 23/12/2017 | JNTUH. | |||
12 | Sri.T.RajaRamanna |
Asst .Prof |
Two-Day National Workshop on “Smart Building Materials and Technologies(SBMT-2017)” | 27/01/2017 to 28/01/2017 | M.J.College, Hyderabad |
Three Day Workshop on “Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures” | 17/03/2017 to 19/03/2017 | NIT, Warangal. | |||
13 | Sri.P.Prashanth |
Asst .Prof |
Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” | 20/02/2017 to 24/02/2017 | NIT, Warangal. |
Attended Two-Day Workshop on “Ansys Package” | 31/03/2017 &1/04/2017 | MECS, Hyderabad | |||
14 | Sri.U.Tirumalesh | Asst .Prof | Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” | 20/02/2017 to 24/02/2017 | NIT, Warangal. |
List of Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Workshops attended for the Academic Year 2015-2016
S. No. | Name of the Staff | Designation | Name of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar | Attended dates | At |
1. |
Sri.T.RajaRamanna |
Asst .Prof |
Attended Two –Week ISTE STTP Workshop on ‘Introduction to Structural Engineering” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) | 04/01/2016 to 09/01/2016 | Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad |
2. |
Sri.P.Prashanth |
Asst .Prof |
Attended Two –Week ISTE STTP Workshop on ‘Introduction to StructuralEngineering” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) | 04/01/2016 to 9/01/2016 | Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad |
3. | Smt.P.Dhanamma | Asst .Prof | Attended Two –Week ISTE STTP Workshop on ‘Introduction to StructuralEngineering” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD) | 04/01/2016 to 9/01/2016 | Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad |
Attended One Week Refresher on “Engineering Mechanics” | 18/06/2016 to 24/06/2016 | At MVSR Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad | |||
4. | Smt.G.Satyavathi | Asst.Prof | Attended Three day conference on “Science Technology for Indigenous Development in India” | 22/2/2016 to 24/2/2016 | RBVRR Womens’ College, Hyderabad |