List of Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Workshops attended

Faculty Workshop Attended 2022-2023

Faculty Workshop Attended 2020-2021

Faculty Workshop Attended (2019-2020)

Faculty Workshop Attended (2018-2019) 

 Faculty Workshop Attended (2017-2018)

S. No.  Name of the Staff  Designation Name of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar  Attended dates  At
 1.   Smt.B.UdayaSree  Assistant Professor Three Day workshop on “Outcome Based Technical Education Towards Achieving NBA/ABET Process 7/09/2017 to9/09/2017  MECS, Hyderabad
 Three Day workshop on “Beyond Syllabi” 8/1/2018 to 10/1/2018  MECS, Hyderabad
  2.  Dr.Adaikkala Kumar P.  Associate Professor  Attended Two-Day Workshop on “Ansys Package”  31/03/2017 to01/04/2017  MECS, Hyderabad
 3.  Sir.Dr.G.Manohar  Professor and Head Organized and attended a two day National Level Workshop on Total Station 27/04/2018 to28/04/2018 MECS, Hyderabad.
Chaired sessions in a Two Day National Conference on “Advanced Computing Applications in Civil Engineering”  20/04/2018 to 21/04/2018  UCE, OU,Hyderabad
4. Smt.S.Lokeswari Asst. Professor Attened three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi” 08/01/2018 to 10/01/2018 Mecs, Hyderabad.
 5.  Smt.P.Dhanamma  Asst. Professor Two days National conference on “Recent Trends in structural Engineering” 06/10/2017 to 07/10/2017 Methodist College of Engg, Hyderabad.
Two day work shop on “Civil Engineering Technologies-Industrial Practices. ” 28/03/2018 to 29/03/2018 Methodist College of Engg, Hyderabad.
 6.  Smt. K.Smitha  Asst. Professor Two days National conference on “Recent Trends in structural Engineering 06/10/2017 to 07/10/2017 Methodist College of Engg, Hyderabad..
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” 08/01/2018 to10/01/ 2018 Mecs, Hyderabad.
7. Sri T. Raja Ramanna Asst. Professor Three day work shop on “Beyond Sylabii” 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 MECS, Hyderabad
Attended a three day National level workshop on Outcome Based Technical Education towards achieving NBA/ ABET Process” 07/09/2017 to 09/09 2017  IEEE, Hyderabad.
 8.   Sri.P.Prashanth  Asst. Professor Attended a three day National level workshop on “Outcome Based Technical Education towards achieving NBA/ ABET Process” 07/09/2017 to 09/09 2017  IEEE, Hyderabad.
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 MECS, Hyderabad.
9. Sri.P.Bharath Kumar Asst. Professor Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 MECS, Hyderabad.
Attended National Symposium on “GREEPSET-2018” 29/01/ 30/01/ 2018. OU, Hyderabad.
 10.   Sri. U. Tirumalesh  Asst. Professor Two day National conference on”Recent innovation in Civil Engg(RICE 2017) 15/12/2017to 16/12/2017 Gokaraju Ranga Raju Institute of Engg, Hyderabad.
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 MECS, Hyderabad.
11. Smt..M. Srividya Asst. Professor Attended faculty development programme on teaching and learning techniques in Geotechnical Engineering 06/12/2017 to 10/12/ 2017  NIT Warangal
Attended three day FDP on “Beyond Syallabi ” 08/01/2018 to 10/01/ 2018 MECS, Hyderabad.
12 Sri.P.V.S.Koteswara Rao Asso., Professor Four day International meet of 62nd Congress of Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 15/12/2017 to 18/12/2017 OU Hyderabad.
13 Smt G. Satyavathi Asst. Professor Presented a paper “Performance of cluster bean genotypes under different environmental conditions” 4/12/2017 to 6/12/2017 London, U.K.

List of Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Workshops attended for the Academic Year 2016-2017

S.No Name of the Staff Designation Name of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar Attended dates At
1.  Smt .P.Dhanamma  Asst .Prof Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using AUTOCAD”. 21/7/2016 to 23/7/2016 At MECS, Hyderabad
Two-Day National Workshop on “Smart Building Materials and Technologies(SBMT-2017)” 27/01/2017 to 28/01/2017 M.J.College, Hyderabad
2.  Smt .D.Radha  Asst .Prof  Three Day Program on “Engineering Graphics using AUTO CAD 21/07/2016 to 23/07/2016  At MECS, Hyderabad
3. Smt.S.Lokeswari  Asst . Prof Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using AUTOCAD”. 21/7/2016 to 23/7/2016 At MECS, Hyderabad
4.   Smt.B.UdayaSree  Asst . Prof Two Day training on Introduction on “ANSYS MECHANICAL” 24/3/2017 to 25/03/2017 At MECS, Hyderabad
Two Day work shop on “Structural Health Monitoring and Condition Assessement of Exsisting Structures” 20/01/2017 to 21/01/2017 At UCE, O.U, Hyderabad
5.  Dr.Adaikkala Kumar P. Asst .Prof Three day workshop on “Quality Initiatives in Outcome based Technical Education  1/9/2016 to 3/9/2016  At MECS, Hyderabad
6.  Sri.P.V.S.Koteswara Rao  Assoc .Prof. Two Day Workshop on “ Design, construction, evaluation and Maintainance of cement concrete pavements “ 21/10/16 to 22/10/2016 UCE, O.U, Hyderabad
Three day workshop on “Condition Assessement and rehabilitation of Structures” 17/03/17 to 19/03/2016  NIT Warangal.
7.  Smt.K.Smitha  Asst. Prof Two Day Workshop on “Design,construction, evaluation and Maintainance of cement concrete pavements”  21/10/16 to 22/10/2016  UCE, O.U, Hyderabad


Professor & HOD Attended Two-Day Workshop on “Ansys Package” 31/03/2017 &1/04/2017 MECS, Hyderabad
Three day workshop on “Quality Initiatives in Out come based Technical Education 1/9/2016 to 3/9/2016 At MECS, Hyderabad


Assoc .Prof.

Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using Auto Cad” 21/7/2016 to 23/07/2016 MECS, Hyderabad.
Two day work shop on “Design, Construction, Evaluation and Maintenance of CC Pavements” 21/10/2016 to 22/10/2016 UCE, O.U,
10 Smt.G.Satyavathi Asst.Prof. Attended Three Day “National Conference of Plant
8/12/2016 to 10/12/2016 The University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru, India.
11 Smt.M.Pratibha Asst.Prof. Three day orientation program on “Engineering Graphics using Auto Cad” 21/7/2016 to 23/07/2016 MECS, Hyderabad.
Three day National Conference on Sustainable water and Environmental Management. 21/12/2017 to 23/12/2017 JNTUH.
12 Sri.T.RajaRamanna

Asst .Prof

Two-Day National Workshop on “Smart Building Materials and Technologies(SBMT-2017)” 27/01/2017 to 28/01/2017 M.J.College,
Three Day Workshop on “Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures” 17/03/2017 to 19/03/2017 NIT, Warangal.
13 Sri.P.Prashanth

Asst .Prof

Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” 20/02/2017 to 24/02/2017 NIT, Warangal.
Attended Two-Day Workshop on “Ansys Package” 31/03/2017 &1/04/2017 MECS, Hyderabad
14 Sri.U.Tirumalesh Asst .Prof Participated in One Week Faculty Development Programme on “Limit State Design of Steel Structures” 20/02/2017 to 24/02/2017 NIT, Warangal.


List of Conferences/FDPs/Seminars/Workshops attended for the Academic Year 2015-2016

S. No. Name of the Staff Designation Name of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar Attended dates At
Asst .Prof
Attended Two –Week ISTE STTP Workshop on ‘Introduction to Structural Engineering” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD)  04/01/2016 to 09/01/2016  Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
Asst .Prof
Attended Two –Week ISTE STTP Workshop on ‘Introduction to StructuralEngineering” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD)  04/01/2016 to 9/01/2016  Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
 3.  Smt.P.Dhanamma  Asst .Prof Attended Two –Week ISTE STTP Workshop on ‘Introduction to StructuralEngineering” conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD)  04/01/2016 to 9/01/2016  Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
 Attended One Week Refresher on “Engineering Mechanics”  18/06/2016 to 24/06/2016 At MVSR Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad
 4.  Smt.G.Satyavathi  Asst.Prof Attended Three day conference on “Science Technology for Indigenous Development in India”  22/2/2016 to 24/2/2016 RBVRR Womens’ College, Hyderabad