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Student Participation

Student Participation (2019-2020)

Details of student participation in various Events during 2017-18

S. No. Name of the Student Roll Number Event Dates Institute / Venue
1 Mr.CH. Kishore 1608-16-732-025  Nirmaan2K 18 (Road Designing)  18th Apr’18  Osmania University
2 Ms.N.Sreeja 1608-16-732-008
3 Mr.CH. Kishore 1608-16-732-025 Nirmaan2K 18 (Dam Designing) 18th Apr’18
4 Ms.N.Sreeja 1608-16-732-008
5 Mr C. Lokesh 1608-17-732-023 IB HUBS Power to India 30th Oct’17 MECS
6 Mr. B.Rohith 1608-17-732-001 MECS

Details of student participation in various Events during 2016-17

S. No. Name of the Student Roll Number Event Dates Institute / Venue
1 Ms.N.Sreeja 1608-16-732-008


Cinfra17 Model Exhibition


10th &11th Apr’17

2 Mr.CH. Kishore 1608-16-732-025 MGIT
3 Ms.Rushitha 1608-16-732-054 MGIT
4 Ms.T. Vyshanavi 1608-16-732-033 MGIT
 5  Mr.Mohd Mehraj  1608-14-732-037 Sadhya- 2k17 Paradigm Expo 31st Mar’ 17 MECS
 6  Ms.Ch.Shirisha  1608-14-732-035 Sadhya- 2k17 Paradigm Expo 31st Mar‘17 MECS
 7  Ms.M Harini  1608-14-732-040 Sadhya- 2k17 Paradigm Expo 31st Mar’17 MECS
 8 Mr.A.Rohan  1608-14-732-003  Srushti-17 Paper Presentation  16th &17th Mar’ 17  MVSR
 9  Mr.A.Rohan  1608-16-732-003  Nirmaan 2K17 Paper Presentation 10th &11th Mar’ 17 University College of Engineering
 10  Ms.B. Sangavi  1608-15-732-013  Nirmaan 2K17 Technical Quiz 10th &11th Mar’17 University College of Engineering

 Details of student participation in various Events during 2015-16

 S. No. Name of the Student Roll Number Event Dates Institute / Venue
1 Ms V.Sindhu  1608-14-732-055  Sadhya-16 Moving Bridge 12th Feb’16 MECS
2 Ms CH. Shirisha  1608-14-732-035 MECS
3 Mr Mohd Mehraj  1608-14-732-037 MECS
4.  Mr.A.Rohan  1608-16-732-003  STAAD PRO 26th &27th Feb’2016 MECS