Class Teachers for B.E. II-Semester

The following staff members are designated as Class Incharges of B.E. – II Semester for the academic year 2022-23.

S. No. Branch Name of the Faculty Member Phone No.
1 Civil  Dr. B. Uma Maheswari 9848706141
2 CSE-A Mr. I. Upender 9440075655
3 CSE-B Mr. M. Chandra Sekhar 9295701088
4 CSE-C Dr. M. Sreelatha 8985744250
5 ECE-A Ms. K. Sandhya 9440105884
6 ECE-B Dr. K. Sharath Babu 9866807568
7 IT Ms. K. Mrunalini 9989303300
8 CME Dr. B. Chandana 9391037153
9 EEE Dr. B. Uma Maheswari 9848706141
10 MECH Ms. K. Sandhya 9440105884