Establishment of OBC Cell

The following committee is constituted to address the grievances for the students and faculty under the minority category of our institution. The composition is valid for a period of three years, i.e. 2021-2024.

S. No. Name of the Staff Designation & Dept. Position
1 Dr. Hanumantha Rao   Principal Chairman
2 Dr. P.V. Vasudeva Naidu Assoc. Prof, EEE Member 
3 Dr. M. Krishna  Assoc. Prof, ME Member 
4 Mr. T. Vishnu  Asst. Prof. S&H Member 
5 Ms. M. Saritha  Asst. Prof, EEE Member 
6 Mrs. K. Shalini Singh Asst. Prof, CSE Member 
7 Mr. G. Manohar Asst. Librarian Member