Dear Students,
Hope everyone is doing well in this pandemic situation and want you all to be strong and hold on to yourself in these hard times.
Hopping sparrows is a virtual film festival consisting of film trailers with a small write up, the students along with a teacher selects the films that they like according to these categories ( Questioning to find alternatives, Species extinction: Each one, protect one, Making cities planet-friendly, Youth climate action, I live sustainably, Learning from the past). This process of DIY (Do it yourself) film festival usually has the screening to 2 hrs. Along with film screenings, there are also workshops and seminars, Social Media Promotions, designing the posters, depending upon the interest of the Students. The dates and time for the screening would be finalized upon the selection of the films and acceptance of the program by the filmmakers and Experts in the field.
All those students who have interest in theatre arts may give your names to the faculty coordinators
1. Mrs. K. Sandhya
Contact no: 9440105884
Email ID :
2. Mrs. K. Aruna Kumari
Contact no: 8074414441
Email ID :