FDP On “Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Engineering Mathematics”

Matrusri Engineering College

Dear Sir/Madam, A One Week FDP On “Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Engineering Mathematics” Jointly organized by Department of Mathematics, Osmania University and  Department of Sciences and Humanities, Matrusri Engineering College from 22nd -27th August 2022 (Offline Mode). Brochure Registration Fee:- Rs.500/- Payment Details: A/C Name : PRINCIPAL MATRUSRI ENGINEERING COLLEGE A/C NO : 052110100039018 UNION […]

FDP on “Amazon Web Services” from 22 to 27 August 2022


Dear Sir/Madam, Department of CSE, Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad is organizing One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on "Amazon Web Services" in Association with Brain O Vision & AICTE from 22-08-2022 to 27-08-2022 in Online Mode.   Registration Link: https://brainovision.in/FDP-faculty (Select Host College as Matrusri Engineering College) No Registration Fee. Timings: 06:30PM to 08:00PM

A Two Day workshop on “PCB & MIC Processing Lab” on 12, 13 Sept-2022

Matrusri Engineering College

Dear Staff, A Two Day workshop on "“PCB & MIC Processing Lab” in association with IEEE MTT-Society Hyderabad Chapter, IEEE MECS SB MTT-S 17791 &  M/s. Vacuum Enterprises, New Delhi  during 12th-13th September 2022.

Unnathi@MECS, a “Higher Education Fair 2022”

KVR Seminar Hall Matrusri Engineering College, Hyderabad, Telangana

Unnathi@MECS, a "Higher Education Fair 2022" Dates for event: 19 th November 2022 Venue: Matrusri Engineering college   

Industrial Visit to NAC on 24-11-2022.

Department of civil engineering is organizing a Industrial Visit to National Academy of Construction(NAC) to BE Civil III SEM in Association with IEI & NAC Student Chapter-MECS on 24-11-2022.

A 3day workshop on “E TABS Software” from 24th to 26th November 2022.

Matrusri Engineering College

Dear Staff and Students, Department of Civil Engineering, Matrusri Engineering College, Saidabad, Hyderabad in association with Institution of Engineers (India) Student Chapter Civil is oganizing a 3day workshop on "E-TABS software" from 24th Nov to 26th Nov. Click Here for Broucher