To curb the menace of ragging and to make Matrusri Engineering College free zone from ragging the following measures are initiated at college level.

ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE is our apex body at Institutional level to monitor measures for preventing, prohibiting and punishing activities of ragging menace within and outside the campus in accordance with UGC Regulations, Supreme Court directives and provisions State Act.  It is responsible for taking action against those found guilty of ragging and / or abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging.  The composition of the committee is as under:


S. No. Name of the Member  Designation & Dept. Position
1 Dr. D. Hanumantha Rao,  Principal Chairman
2 Dr. T. Shekharam Professor & Head, S&H Vice Chairman  
3 Dr. M. Ramesh Asst. Professor, S&H Coordinator
4 Mr. K.V.S. Harish Asst. Physical Director  Co-Coordinator
5 Mr. G. Manohar Professor, & HOD Civil Member 
6 Dr. G. Ravindranath Professor, & HOD EEE Member 
7 Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao Professor, & HOD ECE Member
8 Dr. P. Vijaya Pal Reddy,  Professor, & HOD CSE Member
9 Dr. G. Shyama Chandra Prasad  Professor, & HOD lT Member
10 Dr. M. V. Kishore Professor, & HOD MECH Member
11 Dr. N. Shanthi Sree Assoc. Professor, MECH Member
12 Ms. K. Vijetha Asst. Professor, ECE Member
13 Dr. D. Purna Chander Rao Asst. Professor,  S&H Member
14 Dr. N. Kalpana Asst. Professor, EEE Member
15 Dr. Y. Aparna Assoc. Professor,  S&H Member
16 Ms. K. Bhagya Laxmi  Asst. Professor,  CSE Member
17 Saidabad Police Station Station House Officer Member
18 Saidabad Mandal MRO Member
19 Mr. Rishwant Gupta Chidarala Student, IT, III Year Member
20 Ms. Siri Vadana Student, CSE, II Year Member

