Mr. T. Soma Sekhar

Assistant Professor
EMP ID : 10008

Mr. T. Soma Sekhar

Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.Tech, (Ph.D)



  • Experience in yearsTEACHING :15 , INDUSTRY:01:
  • Seminar Presented03
  • Seminars or W/S Attended25
  • Professional bodyMIE,ISRD,SAE
  • W/s or Seminars Organized15
  • Orientation /Refresher programs attended25
  • Research InterestsEnergy Engineering, Design
  • M.Tech guided3
  • PhD Supervisor at-
  • Other Information
  • Consultancy-


S. No Department Academic Year Title of Publication Link of Paper Publication (Journal Link)
1 Mechanical 2023-24 Experimental analysis on Solar Drying of Tomatoes and Cucumbers using PV/T Hybrid Solar Air Dryer Click Here
2 Mechanical 2022-23 Design and Development of Solar Water Heater to Enhance Thermal Efficiency Click Here
3 Mechanical 2021-22 Design Develop and Manufacture a Vehicle with in the Specifications of the SAE Baja Click Here
4 Mechanical 2020-21 Duplex stainless steel welding microstructures have been engineered for thermal welding cycles & nitrogen (N) gas protection Click Here