Address: 16-1-486,Saidabad,Hyderabad-500059
A Webinar on "ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND CHALLENGES" organized jointly by Dept. of Civil Engg. and Dept. of Sciences & Humanities on 15/09/2020 @ 11.00 AM on the occasion of Engineers Day and centenary celebrations of IEI, Hyderabad.
This training facilitates the students for carrying out Mini & Major Projects using Xilinx Vivado tool. The Focused Topics of Training: Installation of Software Xilinx Vivado tool, Basics of Verilog HDL & Combinational circuit design, Sequential circuit d
‘MANODARPAN’ covering a wide range of activities to provide psychosocial support to students, teachers and families for Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing during the COVID outbreak and beyond. The aim of Manodarpan is to help students to live their
After imposition of the lockdown, MHRD has made 78 lakh content accessible for free and with registration, complete access can be gained to remaining content.
Grievances or complaints related to the conduct of examinations.
PMSSS is the scholarship scheme for the students of Jammu and Kashmir. The scholarship provides assistance for the youth of J&K for Higher Education. All India Council for Technical Education(AICTE) awards the scholarship to the candidates.
The Ministry of AYUSH has now embarked upon an ambitious study of the impact of the said advisories on the health-seeking behaviour of the public. At the centre of this study is “Ayush Sanjivani", a mobile app developed by the Ministry of AYUSH to captu
The initiative is the brainchild of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), and the Tata Memorial Centre (TMC). Other prominent partners include Vigyan Prasar, IndiaBioscience, and the Bangalore Life Scie
ELIS portal has been created to provide all students with content that not only enhances learning for regular subjects but also aims to build up valuable skill sets as required in the actual work environment till 15 May2020.
Manual to illustrate how to control Corona Virus using Mask and how to prepare mask at home.
The mega online challenge "SAMADHAN" has been launched by MIC and AICTE in collaboration with Forge and InnovatioCuris to test the ability of students and Educators to innovate.
SAHAYAM, Centre for Excellence under RUSA 2.0, Osmania University is offering free Tele counseling to the vulnerable students under mental stress related to their studies and health in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.
To help the student community in the difficult situation arising out of the suspension of physical classes and closure of physical libraries arising out of COVID-19 Lockdown, the National Digital Library of India (NDLI) has initiated specially designed co
14 Days, 14 skills. Our students can knock down the lockdown with the free digital certification program. TCS iON career edge for an edge career
The MVSR MUN in association with Matrusri Engineering College was organized at Green Park Hotel, Begumpet for 3 days from 21/2/2020 to 23/2/2020.
Guest Lecture On “Enhancing Speaking Skills in Englishâ€
Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackathon - 2020
Graduation Day held on 21st' September 2019 at 4.00 PM.
Three day workshop on "Cutting Edge Technologies for Computer Science - Machine Learning and IOT" from 7/8/19 to 9/8/19
The team have participated in the SIH – 2k18 grand final at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering , Bangalore from 30-3-2018 to 31-3-2018 and stood in top 10 out of 54 teams,which are short listed for the department of ministry of defence.